




Win 11 사용시 네트웍 뷰에서 디바이스가 안 나타날 때 체크.
2022.03.28 12:08

First uninstall Designer, then reinstall.  Then go through the following connection checklist:

1.     Temporarily disable host computer firewall.

2.     Temporarily disable anti-virus software.

3.     Perform the IP reset procedure on the device. Push and hold the IP button for approximately 10 seconds.  The network LED will go red, and the device will reset to DHCP.

4.     Test and/or swap CAT cable.

5.     Temporarily disable proxy server settings on host computer. 

6.     Disable host computer's WIFI if hard-wired to AV network.

7.     Ensure the unit is fully booting. Blue Operate LED will slowly flash when booting, then go solid when booted after about 30 seconds. 

8.     Is there normal Ethernet port LED activity (solid green, and flashing green)?

9.     Ensure the computer IP address (whether static or DHCP) is in range with the AV network subnet.

10.   Attempt to discover the device on an IP Scanner software.  If discovered, attempt to ping the unit from a command prompt. 

11.   If computer IP is static, check for errors in the subnet mask and default gateway.

12.   IP reset device and set computer to DHCP, then direct connect the host computer to device.

13.   Test above steps with a different host computer.

14.   Capture a Putty USB log at boot up and send Xilica Support the log file - http://genius.xilica.com/en/articles/4499312-how-do-i-capture-a-usb-boot-log-file-to-verify-usb-communication-between-a-xilica-processor-and-my-host-computer

15.   Run Wireshark while attempting to connect and send report to Xilica Support. www.wireshark.org